Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Dear Mr. Harper

I think your name is Harper- the Hy-Vee man with the duster tucked into your belt, but who ever you are today you were my tender mercy. You probably didn't know how nervous I was to take my little babe to the store for the first time by myself. You probably didn't know I only closed my eyes for 2 hours last night. You probably didn't know that we had been doing so well until we got to the line. Max had stared at me the whole time his eyes just said- "i love hanging out with you mom". But then all of a sudden he had had enough. I tried to hurry up frantically throwing food onto the line contemplating throwing the WiC checks that take forever out the window just to be faster, I felt everyone's eyes on me. Partially because it was taking forever to organize everything like you have to and partially because I had wet hair and no make up on and partially because my darling little boy was litterally starting to turn purple as his scream changed from bothered to upset to distressed to a frantic panic and little tear drops popped up in his eyes like they really shouldn't when your just a newborn. And while everyone else watched- you my dear friend Harper came and smiled and politely asked " can  I help you to your car?"
I picked up my little baby- who instantly stopped crying when I held him close, but I started to cry as I watched you pick up my diaper bag and car seat, load all my groceries and push my cart out to my car. Then after you put my cart away, you waved me down just to say you forgot to tell me that you thought max was the most beautiful baby.
My 3 simple tear stained thank you's just don't seem like enough.
I wish there were more harpers in the world, but today I am just grateful there was one.


  1. What a sweet story Lisa! You are the cutest new mother! I am so happy for you!

  2. I love this. Don't worry... there will always be a Harper when you need one. :)

  3. I totally started crying...perhaps post traumatic stress from remembering something similar. What a sweet man to help you!
