Monday, August 20, 2012


Its officially the beginning of the end. If the little man hasn't come in nine days he is coming whether he likes it or not my doctor says. I can't believe how fast- yet slow the last nine months have gone. Marsh and I could not be more excited! I think we both still feel like we really have no idea what we are doing for the most part but we are going to love this babe so much and I guess that is all we can do for now! I've been putting together his room and things very slowly so that I have something to keep me busy while Marsh is at school all day and here are some pics of where we are at!

I can't believe there will be a baby living here in just a few short days!
And here I am.. hopefully my last pregnant picture at 38 1/2 weeks!
OK baby now that your room is ready and your clothes are washed.. you are welcome to come at anytime!


  1. I am soo excited for you Lisa!! His room is adorable and you will make one AMAZING mom! :)

  2. You are gorgeous Lisa! I'm so excited to meet little Max, I love him already! You and Marsh are going to be the cutest parents ever.
