Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What its like in our house

Why do i love blogs today? well because i can brag about how wonderful my valentines day was and how sweet my husband is and not feel bad because... well you really don't have to read it.

Love for us this valentines day was spending time with some of the cutest kids in the world and  hoping that someday our kids are as cute as her!!

We sat on the couch and stared into each others eyes for hours...... or a few minutes......

  My darling friend melanie and I decided to do the 12 days of valentines day for our husbands! We left little notes, puzzles, poems and treats through out the week...

And then...
THIS was our valentines date meal! we were so proud of it we just stared at it for while! we stared so long our food got cold...  Marsh brought me a dozen PERFECT red roses ( im kind of particular about my flowers.. ) he also made me a CD of all  my favorite love songs! he even sacrificed and listened to country music to find some of them :) he had candles and everything and set it all up. It looked WAY more amazing than this picture can show. For dinner you might be able to see what did we get but... IN AND OUT! it looked awesome, and tasted awesome. what a fun night!
Add that with my thomas the train book from a cute 4 year old and I'll say i had the BEST. VALENTINES DAY. EVER!
hope you did too.

1 comment:

  1. yay lisa jane! i just found your blog for the first time and i have loved reading all the posts! (so, the one about becoming a hill was hilarious!) and i appearantly don't have all those things either...i look and feel tired all the time :)! and I lose everything too!!! i have even left my kids in the car before and forgotten to bring them into the store with me! (oops! i pulled another "juli" as marshall used to call it).. i used to have a hide-a-key on my car because i lost my keys so often, and i think i have lost every single drivers license i have owned since i was 16, and i have lost every piece of jewlery i have ever owned, including my wedding ring that i miraculously found a week later in a soccer stadium! yes lisa jane, we were meant to be sisters in this life for sure!!! i am so happy to be able to read about your fun lives now that i have your blog!!! i love you guys and i am so sorry we missed you on saturday when i was working!! lame lame lame!
    love always,
