Thursday, February 3, 2011

'Please bless Chinaland'

Yes i just took a picture of our dinner! Happy Chinese New Year! Thank you panda express for giving everyone free dinner today! I also came home and made up a nice batch of pot stickers! Note to self: they STICK TO THE POT! I really hope that our wedding pan survives.. it might be a close call.
This blog is dedicated to Chinaland.. and all the wonderful things i don't know about it yet.

wonderful thing number 1:
I said yet at the end of that sentence because we plan on going.. next semester, next summer, next decade but it will be a next. We desperately want to teach english there through an organization called CHINA HORIZENS It was started by a guy at BYU, its a great price for 4 months of amazing experiences in the wonderful chinaland! this is where 'please bless chinaland' comes makes its debut. Last night, Marsh and i were making our list of things to pray about before we went to bed, it came up that we probably ought to pray about whether or not we should really go to china. It was marshall's turn to pray and for some reason  the way he prayed for it made us both start laughing so hard we couldn't stop. we lauged and laughed and laughed some more until our abs hurts and tears were rolling down our faces, but we couldn't say anything because we were in the middle of a prayer! after probably 5 full minutes of uncontrollable yet reverent laughter we finished with a sincere prayer and have made it through the day without being struck down yet. Im feeling really good to about going to Chinaland now.. that definitely wasn't a stupor of thought

Wonderful thing # 2: they speak a really cool language there! and our favorite brother and sister that live in st. george lived there for two years! ( i say favorite kinda like how Nana says.. "you are my favorite kindergarten girl" because there is only one) But we love Dan and Andrea and China seemed to have make them happy and they sure had some adorable kids there!

Wonderful thing #3 The Great Wall of China!

Wonderful thing #4 Chinese food makes you skinnier and smile more

Wonderful thing #5 Last but not least, Chinese New year gives you a whole new start on your new years resolution! Marsh and i decided that since we have already broken almost all of our New Years Resolutions, this is a great way to get a second try at being perfect! Second time's a charm...

Thank you for Chinaland.

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