Monday, March 25, 2013

Hard things and Good things

Forgive me for being touch and go on the blog.
With spring just around the corner I can't help but think about change, about improving- and spring cleaning. It seems to make a change.. in my life anyways, I have to tell myself i am going to change, plan out how I am going to change, practice for a day, then take a short break because it is difficult.. then commit again for the right reasons to change and work really hard- and pray my period doesn't come and make me ornery and give up on myself.
- Its alot like the weather you know- I thought I left utah to escape this yo-yo weather but here it is again, just like my desire for change we are all waiting and hoping for spring- flowers and picnics and days and that park that we have been dreaming of all winter, but just when it seems to be close, we and graced with the presence of 4 inches of snow, over and over again. or just freezing cold weather again making us feel like spring, and change will never really come. but it will. one day it will and we will forget all about this longing.
Well changes are in the air. Marshall and I - and Max for that matter did a hard thing this week. On saturday night we gave up our hot night life we usually have with Ty and Chels and traded it in for a good nights sleep by letting little max cry it out. It took 3 books, alot of friendly advice and the comfort from some very dear people that I trust to convince me that my sweet little boy would not turn into an untrusting upset hyterical child.
On saturday we fed him his squash, gave him a bath- that he still doesn't really care about.. sang him songs and gave him kisses till he started to roll his eyes then marshall held him as has been our tradition as they sing/read his book that lights up and plays music ( it mesmerizes max) and then we say prayers, read to him out of his little scriptures and let him touch each of the wood letters of his name on the wall ( he loves this for some reason) and lay him in his bed.. his sweet innocent face was so happy even after we turned off the light, we closed the door and still no sound.. and then after a few seconds he must have realized we weren't playing peak-a-boo this time and he began his plea.
It wasn't as bad as I expected. Max is never angry ( just like his dad) he just kind of jabber cried as if to say.. "come on guys! i know you are going to stay up and play, just let me play too, i'l be really good i promise, please guys!"
after an hour of pleading he gave up and fell asleep.
Marsh and I went to sleep in our OWN bed all by ourselves and actually got to cuddle.. it was a great nights sleep! I had missed it!
Last night it only took max 15 minutes to fall asleep and tonight it was about 30. I am so proud of that little boy he learns so fast.

Max- cheering for his dad at their basketball tournament this weekend. stay tuned for more about that adventure!


  1. Though I do miss our hot night life with you guys haha, I'm so glad you are getting some sleep! Max is doing awesome! I might need to get a poster size of those pictures of Max to put in our house since we all adore him over here! Cutest pictures ever!!

  2. Just found your blog Lisa... and I love it! I must say I know EXACTLY how you feel. You are doing an amazing job with Max. Don't beat yourself up. Sometimes even though it may feel like you are always trying to change and then give up (thanks to our wonderful monthly hormonal change), the effort you put in at the beginning moved you that much closer to what you want to change into.
