Thursday, February 9, 2012

I have no idea what happened

December. Gone
January. Gone
where did the time go!
I really don't know how i let it happen, well finals in December, that makes sense, and january, fighting the fact that i really had to go back to school. but here it is february!

Just a few updates, Mr. Marshall officially decided on a school and in July we will be moving to....
Thats right Kirksville Missouri, just like i thought, It really is a sweet town and we think it will be perfect for us. we are very excited, and i also got my darling little house that i blogged about a while ago, it will be perfect too! now all we have to do is wait till July so we get make our first big move into our first real house! sometimes its all i think about, i have a lot of hopes and dreams for this little adventure, i've always wanted to live in a small town and I just keep thinking that this will be perfect because its only 2 years, and then we can try something new if we don't like it, and it will keep marshall focused because there isn't much to do.. but its darling. 

Next up marshall and i started our last semester at BYU! its crazy how time has flown by! it feels like just yesterday me and Nique were helping each other move into our freshman dorms. 
Now they have torn down most of Heritage Halls for some new fancy ones. Its kind of sad to see things change so much, we don't even live in provo anymore. I feel so grown up and yet still so much like that freshman girl. However it is really wonderful to be going to school now with the best man in the world and to get to spend my nights sitting at the foot of our bed laughing with him instead of 6 girls. but they were great times in the dorms. 

I try to tell myself to slow down and enjoy it, when i walk around campus thats easy but when i remember all of the assignments and tests and reading.. i didn't do i am just ready to be in kirksville. its a hard balance to find. it really is. 

speaking of balance i just have one thing to say. yesterday, i spent a good hour studying and eating my kids meal at the old creamery on ninth. as i sat there 3 middle aged  men sat in the booth next to me  and i listened to them talk for literally 45 minutes while i pretended to study about women in their ward and their wives in such a negative way because they claimed their wives cared too much about blogging or their own jobs and crafts and cooking to do their cleaning or take care of their kids. and it made me sick.
I feel grateful to have a husband that would never say a single mean or negative thing about me or my family life. I feel grateful that he appreciates all the things that i do. i just wanted to turn around and scold them. Their wives have feelings and hopes just like they do. and yes, some women may take some things to an extreme, i think most women genuinely value their family and relationship more than any other aspect in their lives. 
There just needs to be balance. 
And if i can ever give any advice, never speak ill of your family, ever, to anyone. You will be all the happier and wiser for it. 

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