Monday, October 24, 2011

The very best things!

It is the very best thing to have love.
for your perfect Husband
for your family
for the Gospel
for life!
I am so grateful to have the husband that I do. Nights like last night, where we stay up till all hours of the night even though we have to wake up so early , and we just laugh and laugh until our stomachs ached. And the greatest thing was we were laughing at nothing. it was nothing clever or witty or ridiculous just pure joyful laughter.
It was a great way to end a great weekend, of BYU football, Regional conference ( an amazing talk by Elder Bednar! no teleprompter or anything) Studying, Captain America with friends and a Spooky halloween dinner. Mom and Dad are so nice to us and bought Mr. Marshall a new wallet because he gave his to tom and has been using a little zip lock baggy to carry around all his credit cards for the last two weeks!

For anyone that wondered, it is quite the adventure driving to Provo every morning and coming home late at night, but we love it. We LOVE our new friends in Sandy and we still get to time to play with friends in Provo. But the best part about the commute- is the actual commute! in the Mornings i do my makeup, while marshall drives and then read aloud our scripture study ( which is great because it keeps me awake) Then we write down our favorite part from our reading that day and use it as our theme scripture for the day. Then we put it on a 3x5 card and add to is our 5 most important priorities to get done that day. and finally we write how we are going to show love to each other through out the day.
It is becoming a really helpful fun and happy tradition!
Goals are so good for us, we function so much better! we have even added a walking goal that we keep track of on our Pedometers. it is actually more of a competition.. i walked more on saturday but marshall walked more yesterday.. who will win today...

we are excited for a fun FHE with Jess and Josh carving pumpkins!

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