Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Father

Dear Daddy-

I cant wake you up early in the morning and bring you breakfast in bed today
Im sorry i am so far way-
I cant give you a gift made out of chocolate or paper and card hasn't quite made it to the mail- but this way i can dedicate a whole long paper just to you and all our memories and love and happiness

I don't know how i got so lucky! some people have dads that are really good at somethings, my dad is good at well everything! I could talk about each thing for pages but instead i will make a short list
1. You have an incredible singing voice even and especially at night when you would sing me to sleep, songs like: " ink a bink a bottle of ink cork fell out and you stink" however, i giggled so much i never did understand why it was a bed time song

2. You made me a two story barbie house complete with a deck vaulted ceilings tile floor and drawers for the barbies that weren't being used.

3. You made me a beautiful day bed out of wood just the way i designed my dream bed in my mind and even a smaller scaled one for my american girl doll

4. you taught us all the importance of scouting and from that we are all here today! ( so its your own fault were gone you see)

5. you give me guidance and love... even if it is late at night and i am taking up half of your bed.

6. you know everything about sports especially the greatest team and sport... BYU football!

7. you believe in me- my talents and my dreams and you helped me achieve all that i have reached so far.

8. You have always been worthy to hold the priesthood and given me wonderful fathers blessings whenever i needed it!

9. you are the peacemaker of our home, making me stop fighting with others or simply teaching me to care about other peoples feelings.

10. i would like to note that all of these adorable pictures are of you supporting me at Choir Concerts, In the Miss Layton Pageant you were my biggest fan and as a Senior Class officer where you Chaperoned any and all events we ever put on.

Daddy i love you! your the greatest father.
I know it was hard to give me away but i am grateful for the best advice you gave me - to marry the amazing man that will be the father of my children someday.

I love you daddy! Happy Fathers day! you are the best in the world!

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