see max happy

See max swing
Max loves his dad
Max plays at the park
Today it was beautiful weather in kirksville the warm sun actually made our new car feel hot to the touch! A bunch of girls went to the park behind our house. We all ate our lunches and let the kids play. I had called Marshall and begged him to come because it would be max boys first time at the park. He told me he probably shouldn't. Half because he needed to study and half because some of the guys give him a hard time for playing with his family too much ( I will never complain)
But he surprised us and showed up on his moped! It made me so happy I just can't explain it. He probably only stayed for 15 minutes but that boy is like a super hero! Max was so excited, he loved swinging and never stopped giggling. Then marsh took him and ever little kid that asked down the slide before he had to take off :) marsh really is a super hero I am always so grateful that even in his busy med school life he takes time for little things like that!
So here you go - max boys first time at the park!
P.S. 3 minutes...last night he fell asleep in 3 minutes!
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