The weeks have flown by! Don't worry I am still very pregnant and loving the summer time! Way back in April -- which seems so long ago and just like yesterday all at the same time-- Marsh and I graduated from BYU! Marsh was so sweet and gave me the most amazing Cannon Rebel Camera that I just can't get enough of! And since you can probably tell that I am not the best at writing (and it can be more boring!) I think I'll update what our summer has been like so far with a slew of pictures! Sound good?
I wish I had a million words to say how wonderful it feels to have graduated! BYU was such an amazing experience and I can't believe it is over, but it feels so good to have graduated! I loved being in school with Marsh and walking together was so much more fulfilling!
At our graduation party with the family, we taught the kids about what a graduation is and had them practice "graduating"! With the traditional graduation song playing in the background (Marshall loves that song!), we had them stand in line, come up one at a time as their names were announced, and each received their "diploma", which was in reality their plates so they could get dessert! It was awesome! Thanks to everyone who came!
Baby and I have been growing just great (me maybe a little bit more than I would like!), but everything is going so well and we could not be more grateful!
We went to a lot of softball games for my little sister who played for Layton High School's varsity team as a freshman! She is so athletically gifted its really quite unfair! Although as I don't just love softball, it was so fun to watch her and just relax outside in a chair with the family. Good times!
The first few weeks of May we took a trip back east and saw Marsh's sister Aimee and her husband Mark and their kids in North Carolina, and also traveled down to Georgia to see Aaron and Sara and baby Grant!
The last couple days of the trip, we also went with Aimee and Mark and their family to Washington D.C.. Marsh got to see Washington D.C. for the first time ever. He was so excited about going that he had us stay up till 2 AM watching National Treasure 1 and 2 just so he could really feel like he was in D.C.! I think he liked it!
The picture on the left is us in front of our favorite place in D.C.--the Lincoln Memorial. It was an amazing place. It made us feel way more patriotic. The picture on the right is my sweet man imitating the scene on National Treasure 2 where Nicholas Cage tells his friend he's going to steal the Declaration of Independence. Don't worry we went to see the Declaration next.
While we were on our trip my dear friend Nique Wakefield got home from her mission, so the high school gang got together again to play. It was so much fun!
I have loved sleeping outside this summer! We have slept outside 3 times already this summer, complete with a TV and way to many treats! This is a picture of the morning after we slept outside with our niece and nephew Emily and Curtis!
This is the darling Baby shower my mom threw for me! She did such and amazing job, and I was so proud of how cute it was. It was so great to see friends and ward members that I haven't seen in so long, visit with everyone, and just be excited about this little man coming into our lives.
Dad also finished making the baby cradle. Isn't he amazing? I was so excited about it! (Yes, that might be a baby doll in the crib!)
My amazing sister-in-laws and mother-in-law also threw me an adorable baby shower for Marsh's side of the family! Sadly, this is really the only picture that turned out okay for some reason, but the shower was so fun and amazing! The women in Marsh's family are all so beautiful and amazing! It was so great to spend the night with them being excited about our baby!
Last but not least, we just got home from the cabin at Yellowstone. It is my favorite to be up there! This was my first time going in the summer, and it was so pretty up there. Don't worry though, it snowed the first day too, so Marsh and I found these beautiful matching BYU jackets from the 70s in the closet to wear. We had so much fun with the family just relaxing, laughing until I cried, and seeing beautiful things!
I love these two!
little sister Joy gathering her buffalo chips :)
It has been an amazing summer so far! I am slowly realizing that it will probably be our last real summer for a long time. Next year with the military and medical school Marshall, only gets about 5 days of summer. So we are soaking up every moment we can now!