Friday, February 17, 2012


I am really sorry, I just have to get it out, and I feel like a Facebook post would be counter productive, and sound a bit immature.

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-Day Saints. 
and I LOVE IT!

I go to Brigham Young University- set up to help member of my church and others learn in a positive and spiritual environment
and I LOVE IT!

I don't care if you go to BYU, or not, I don't care who your cheer for on game day, I don't care if you were too smart or too lazy for BYU. but I do care when people bash on my school for having high expectation and trying their best to provide a quality education.

It doesn't make sense. If you think its bad to have rules, you missed out on a big lesson on life, if you think that being strict is a problem then submit yourself to a life with less discipline. but because I go to a school that has discipline and maybe some pretty specific rules don't make me feel like that somehow makes me or my school mates less of a person.

Finally the thing that irks me the most. When people who also belong to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints mock me or BYU because it is so stupid that they MAKE us dress modestly and MAKE us take religious classes. I have been made fun of numerous times simply because i committed to always live my Gospel standards while i attend school before i started school and for some reason people think that that is stupid. even when it is the same standards that they are expected to uphold by having a temple recommend anyways! BYU is a great institution, everyone does there best just like at any other school. I will never be ashamed of my school that has taught me so much both in worldly and spiritual education.

Please stop mocking me for committing to standards you should be living too.

I know this behavior doesn't really apply to anyone that ever reads this blog but, it feels good to express it without causing some sort of scene :)


  1. Hello! This is marshal's cousin Tasha. I came across your blog & love it. I totally agree w/ u about the BYU thing. It's an amazing and special place & so many people don't want to see, or admit it. Also congrats on going to Missouri for med school. I've heard that's a great school. I love the house u r going to rent- it is so cute and I can't believe how cheap it is. Good Luck w/ finishing at BYU!

    1. HI Tasha! so nice to meet you.. sort of! you are really nice! i am glad there are people that feel the same way, sometimes i feel crazy but i just love it here!

  2. Here, here! Way to go, Lisa Jane. BYU is a wonderful place. When people make fun of it, I always just think, "You poor thing. You missed out on a lot of good times." :)
