Wednesday, October 12, 2011

catch up thoughts

Wow! its been so very long. I promise i will be better at this, Ive got to be better at something, wouldn't you rather read and write a blog than a journal, maybe thats not true but today it is, typing just seems so much easier.
A lot of things have happened lately to make one think, so let me just tell you how i feel. 

My little brother, has always been one of my hero. I knew Marshall was a keeper when i saw how much my little brother Tom idolized him. The last year has been a great whirlwind of hanging out with the three of us together, and it has been one of the greatest blessings in my family and our marriage. 

This is a perfect example of what our relationship has been like, 

Thats tom, just sneaking his way between all the neices and nephews to hug us both at the same time. We make a great team!
This summer Tom and max would come and wake marshall and i up every morning at 6:15 to read scriptures and study preach my gospel together, i think marshall and i would have died without them to wake us up, but even when i was tired, i will always love and cherish those mornings watching Marsh talk to everyone about serving a mission and all of us learning and growing together. 

I love these boys! 
Tom left to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter- day saints 2 weeks ago, he is on his 3rd week in the MTC and i already miss him like crazy. you see tom and i have always been pretty close. He always has a way of making you laugh your head off, he makes you want to be smarter, he comforts you yet never lets you be less than who you should be, he is a really good brother. 
my favorite memories are of running track together, he always supports me, he always cheers me on and praises me! and i would do the same for him, we would stay after everyone else had gone home from practice and work together on being better. That is what family is about to me. I love that i was blessed with such great family members! 

So even though i really miss him, i am so proud of who Tom has grown up to be, of the strength that he has had through all the hard things in his life, i know that he will be the greatest missionary for the lord and that he will help change so many lives, like he has changed mine! Good luck Elder Christensen. 

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