Thursday, May 19, 2011


Dear blog,
This is a blog just for me- for all my hopes and dreams and the things that i haven't thought about in a very long long time.
to hopes that i haven't believed in
and dreams that i have avoided with a busy schedule
maybe if i talk about you and explain you to myself you can come alive again.
Everyone should dream- have a passion and work towards it. my problem is i just have to many!
- to paint- even if it is terrible even if i make the same sailboat in the sun over and over again someday it could get better
- to sing- to sing loud and happy songs that will make everyones hearts happy and filled with music
- to be in a play- a musical to be exact- no i don't need highschool musical just anything, Hairspray- Aida- Fiddler on the Roof- even just a chorus member
- to make a wedding cake
- to run a marathon- and as a result always be skinny
to have a little more self control- which would lead to healthier eating
- to have a quote board
- to fill some part of my life with all the thoughts and ideas and whatever randomness i want on the ceilings and walls but then keep the rest of life neat and tidy
- to read books- to know a list of books in my head that i could name off filled with sophistication but the problem is the only books i read- i skim and then fail a test on them
to sew and create things to do or make all the things i blog stalk and dream of copying
to really know what i believe and share it more often
- to be the kind of person that always takes the time for people, even those that i don't need to impress

a wise person once wrote;
" Can you see into a mans soul by reading what he writes- can the depths of his heart be seen or his dedication of purpose"

tonight as i am waiting for Mr. Marshall to come home i have writen this blank screen my soul- Dramatic sounding i know- but everyone ought to open up every onces in a while and admit they still have dreams and still have wishes- admit to the list of things you always said- someday im gonna be that person because when you allow yourself to be reminded of what you want your thoughts will lead you to actions.

Thank you for listening dear dear wireless journal
thank you for being slightly public so that i have to live up to what i think and start taking acountability for these things i hope for.

Good night

1 comment:

  1. i liked it lisa jane! i was just making one of those with taylor tonight...dreams are funny things aren't they? it seems that life happens and the things we dream change..yet we can dream to be truly happy and dream to be fulfulled with our present circumstances which is a choice we make everyday..the other day a man in the grocery store said to me as i was struggling with the boys in a shopping cart " two boys are horrible at a store aren't they?" i looked at him and said, "i always wanted this, and i got yes, it is a lot of work, but i wouldn't want it any way"...
